Published on August 2, 2002 By Nakor In WinCustomize News
Our online store is under heavy load after OD2002 was demonstrated on TechTV. If it is unresponsive, please try your order again this weekend or early next week.
on Aug 02, 2002
Well, I guess that is good news and bad news all rolled up into one!! More people, good (more business), More poeple, bad (less bandwidth)

on Aug 02, 2002
Just think of all the newbie questions we can all look forward to answering...........
on Aug 03, 2002
It really shows how popular TechTV is though. WinCustomize is already one of the most popular websites on the Internet with millions of monthly visitors. So anything that affects our traffic this much must be immensely popular.

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on Aug 03, 2002
Not too popular, apparently. A few months ago it was moved from expanded basic to digital here, because of horrible ratings (or so they said). And Vegas is usually ahead of the technological curve, in terms of per capita usage.

OTOH, I'm sure it *is* popular with people most likely to use this type of site anyway.

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on Aug 03, 2002
I am one of the "newbies" ( as in new to your site ) who was intrigued by the Screen Savers program. I LOVE the LCARS desktop, and the object oriented features. TechTV is an addiction for many of us out here in the world. I understand how your existing user base feels, being a Floridian who often feels crowded out of my home by snowbirds. However, you may find that we TechTV people fatten your bottom line enough that existing users will benefit by the increased resources available.
Rick Georges
on Aug 04, 2002
From a business standpoint, growth is always a nice problem to have. It sure beats shrinking. And as more people use Stardock products, the more this site will justify itself, and I'm all for that