Published on January 21, 2004 By Nakor In Work Reports
Started last night with taping coverage of the State of the Union and followup commentary for The Political Machine team.

Spent the early part of the day fighting with IconPackager over stripping out updating author info from icon packages. With Brian's help, we worked around that so Jake could test a CD version of IconPackager (requested by more people these days).

Took some 6 installs to get OpenBSD 3.4 happily installed on an older machine. It didn't seem to be too fond of the ZIP drive being higher in the drive order. This may be an unpopular opinion, but despite how well OpenBSD works, the FDISK portion of the installer is so dated. If you're blowing away all the partitions and starting from scratch, it is literally less than 20 keystrokes to do, but you've got to know those 20 cold. Fortunately, it installs quickly. Though tricking out all the configuration will take more time over the coming days.

Security updates and configuration for another WinCustomize server. It's got some configuration issue where it keeps trying to use DHCP during the POST to boot off the network if a cable is connected to the internal NIC1. Must be in the BIOS, because I can't seem to find it in the adapter config. Very strange, none of our other servers have done this. But, this was one of the "special" ones that decided to have serious hardware issues in short order in the last few weeks. Still don't trust it that much.

Have to call in for service on another one. They want to swap the motherboard out or something. Better them than me, with all the little screws.

Trying to track down memory leaks in an application for a corporate customer on 9x is akin to painting a wall with a brush with only one bristle. I'm going to dream about memory allocation and creating windows tonight.

Played a lawyer on television.

No time to play with the new WindowFX features in the internal build. It is super-frustrating that it's technically correct (WHQL testing) for a video driver to punt to software mode when creating some surfaces. Despite this slowing a $400 card to a crawl.

Customer emails, working with developers, etc. Still haven't found time to get back on the newsgroups this week.

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